ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

"Think of these three things: whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account"--Benjamin Franklin

secret Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Is There an Angel Contemplating my Fate?

Is there an angel contemplating my fate? Posted by Picasa

I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we're grey and old...

- Robbie Williams

I woke up last Sunday to the news that a Nigerian airline had crashed shortly after having taken off.

All 117 people perished.

I later found out that an electrical storm had caused the plane to explode in mid-air.


I spoke to my very good friend Monday afternoon. She was freaked out. Our short pre-prandial discussion centred on death, and our ultimate purpose. A bit heavy that side of lunch-time, you could say.

She posited the theory that maybe what our Maker should do (depending on whether you believe in Him or not) is, at childbirth, inform us somehow that we will be taken back from whence we came at a particular age.

So, say you are going to leave this world at the tender age of 20, God might just say “at the age of nineteen, you should be preparing for Me to take you back”.

Something like some sort of unwritten contract, or covenant.

Whilst the feasibility of this contract eludes me, I can very much empathise with my friend over this. She tells me one thing she fears most is when her time will come.

I am reminded of UK comedian Lenny Henry’s sketch way back in the early nineties, when he said that if Death was going to be visiting, he sure should be sending a postcard.

Because then…

“you could be out!”.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Being Single Again


It takes guts to decide to make a break and remain single, but once you do, it can be fun.


Apart from being proverbially busy (as it’s getting to the end of the year) I have been continuing to do some serious exercise (pressups, sit-ups and step-up exercises). It feels good that I can look and feel better. Also looking at other women also makes it all worthwhile.


Then again, I have decided that I am not particularly in the mood for a relationship. They take TOO much time and effort. And not that I abhor any of those, or I don’t think it is worth it, but I am JUST not in the mood.


Working hard at relationships can sap you up no end, and as the year winds down in under two months, I am more interested in enjoying the travails of being single than finding someone else.


I am not about to bore anyone here, as you have heard it all before;-) I much appreciate all those who commented—it helped!


Suffice to say, I’m chucking out the solipsism and replacing it with a greater interest in where I had been neglecting most—the wider world, including blogging. As well as helping my friends much more than I have been doing lately.


I am going to be out of the country in just under two weeks for a UN-sponsored conference, but I will be sure to reflect my eccentric world through here!


Daniel, if you’re reading this, coming on down. Mel, jen, Laura, Portuguesa Nova, elsa. You have all made my day. Thanks for taking my mind of Gee.


Being single again…almost wells the eyes up, but, hey, what can you do? If it’s meant to burn, it will burn, no?


In fact, I’d like to know what any of you would recommend – other than travel! – to beating the boredom, as it were, that can ensue when you are single again.



Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Quote of the Day (how apt!)

RE: Not a Nine-Day Wonder in the Tenth Month

The beginning of each new month, iMHO, signals a point in one’s life where you refresh, review, and consider a change. I know from experience that this feeling is never prevalent at the end of every month, or at the beginning, but at times, situations demand a change.


In the light of my so-called turmoil last two weeks where I was agonising over what to do about my girlfriend, I resolved to do something very different: go on a weight-loss regime. I am not too big, but I am big-boned (I am a Taurus-born** after allJ ) and it helps to lose a bit more weight anyway, doesn’t it? I have never believed that it is only women that are obsessed, or SHOULD be, about their weight.


With this in mind, I started, October 1 planning on what the regime was going to be.


At work, I sit a lot at my desk the whole day. Lunchtimes offer me little opportunity to move from it unless I NEED to go out pay a bill or find something for a friend or family member. Even when I go get lunch, I order for it to be brought to the office. Lunch-time traffic sucks and that puts me off big-time, even though I don’t own a car…so I won’t be the one enduring the midday sun in slow-moving traffic.


So, hey!, I thought. Best to plan all this on a Saturday so that come Monday I know what to do. I even did some role-play Sunday evening. I am a bit of a fan of audio-journaling, which is simply another way of recording the days events—on tape. So I started off with my usual : “You’re listening to Home23 {reference to one 23 Schoolstraat where I was living in Belgium}with E.K.Bensah. The date today is: Sunday 9 October and it has already been a week since I started my regime. I didn’t think I could pull it off. Monday it was so tempting to order my usual chicken salad with what I suspect is fattening sauce, but I persisted. Rigorous self-discipline aint easy, but it IS possible. So I’ve got a few days to go, and I think I have lost some weight. Fantastic…


Yes. It’s all about visualising. You have to imagine the END product being SO real you can feel it. I try it once in a while, and it DOES work. I almost felt convinced of what I was saying. But you know, at least it got me going.


Come Monday morning, at 5.30am, I was up, out the door, and jogging with some music. The weather was cool and the sun was barely coming up. The winds whistling very softly past my ears as sweat trickled down my face.


It was ONLY a ten-minute run, but it felt like aeons! When I came back, I wasn’t panting so much as my hirsute chest drenched and my green polo clinging to that very same chest-hair like cling-film on…erm, salad;-)


This morning, a Tuesday, I woke up a bit later, and missed my morning run. But I did do some stretches. It rocked! Then I took Fenix for his usual walk, as I did yesterday, though yesterday’s was a bit longer for him—not just because he turned two years old yesterday—HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!—but ‘cos I was fooling myself into doing something about my weightJ


But I WILL continue to fool myself. Today is Day Two. Yesterday evening, by seven in the evening, I was feeling sleepy. That was a definite indicator that the exercise was good, but the associated early-rise so alien to my lazy constitution, coupled with the stretched made my bones and my body ache.




You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you WHY I have embarked on this weight-loss regime.


I figured if I could lose weight and look good—and hell, sexy, why not!!?—for myself (and other women), then it wasn’t just good for me, but also to show G. that if I could exercise self-control over my food, then I SURE could exercise it over the stupid things I had done in our relationship. That one is categoric, and I aint changing that idée fixe any time soon.


Gee, here’s to you, my love. I love you MORE than you could possibly know. Some people think you’re a lucky woman. I’M the lucky one…


Yesterday, after a silent weekend, I called her from the office line. She didn’t pick up, I thought.


I came back to my mobile phone to see TWO missed calls. It was G.


First, she knew that it was ME who had called as she had recognised from the office line that it was me calling, and secondly, she called TWICE to try and reach me—something she had not been doing last week, or the previous week.


Fingers crossed!


Useful link:


{**TAURUS} This kind of men are strong, at least in their looks, and bide their time before taking a loving decision. Once that decision is made, they give their best passionately. They fight unimaginably to keep their lovers. They are faithful and passionate. From:




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