ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

"Think of these three things: whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account"--Benjamin Franklin

secret Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Soporific Days

Today was one of those days when despite electronic admonishments from emails urging one to *carpe diem*, it was just downright impossible to do so!

It was also a day when I felt I was in much-need of the leave I've been contemplating. The office is that much quieter with my immediate boss himself on leave and therefore being left unsupervised, but before he left, he put down an outline of outstanding issues, which include a revision of an article I am writing on mining codes revision and regional integration.

The latter is my forte; the former not. I am just not feeling sufficiently motivated to re-write that article, but I got myself a deadline of Friday, as next week, I don the press cap and cover another international conference coming to town.

It really would be in my best interests to finish it off, and just stop moaning! Sleep became me a lot today. I guess I need quite a lot of it to be back in the mood for tomw.

enjoy YOUR evening...
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