ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

"Think of these three things: whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account"--Benjamin Franklin

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tuesday Reflections: Month of Love; It's My Environment, So I'll Cry if I want to!

So, it's been a while, and it has not been so much the fact that I have too much work to do (it's been pretty quiet, in fact), as in me sorting myself out;-) It's February, yet again, and we've entered the so-called "Month of love", though quite why we cannot love ourselves every month confuses me...

In any event, in some ten days time, Valentines' day will be over, and those lonely souls would have realise that they're probably not as alone as they think they are. But more on that as the time approaches:-)

For now, I have been keeping a low profile, re-strategising on so many things that needs doing:
  • coming out with second edition of Bi-Monthly Analysis of Regional Integration (a pet project I cannot let go, and refuse to let go off!!)

  • managing my Presidency of the Ghanaian Association of Journalists in ICT

  • preparing for the heavy bits of my professional work as the quiet period slowly ebbs away

  • finishing off an article I should have finished last December, were it not for my laziness and great capacity to put new meaning to "procrastinate". When I write "finishing", I mean by the end of this week. Some new material I uncovered yesterday has compelled me to bring a new angle to the darned article!

  • clearing clutter from my room

  • planning for this year anad next year (already!), with should I consider buying a car next year already, or wait a bit

  • thinking of making more efficient the time with my significant other

  • making time for my (close) friends

  • saving enough to go to driving school

  • turning thirty

  • writing, never mind publishing the famed thriller;-))

  • in short, nothing heroic; just your average concerns, which are probably a fraction of what a number of contemporaries have to ponder!

    But I'm also thinking about the environment, in the sense that last Friday, my post was cut short by the breaking news that the UN had come up with: that climate change was a man-made problem. You can read more here: .

    My biggest concern was that with the heavy industrialisation that we are inflicting on the environment, we are going to see more major environmental problems. I like to consider them as Nature getting back at us for destroying it. What with parts of the Arctic melting and all that, and a prediction that by 2100, our environment might just have been detsroyed if we--as citizens imploring our policy-makers, and countries, like the US, etc, -- do not act on time:

    "The effects of climate change are being felt across the globe, resulting in a decline in human health and loss in ecosystems," he warned in the message, read out by Deputy UNEP chief Shafqat Kakakhel.

    Last week, climate scientists concluded in a hard-hitting report that global warming was "unequivocal" and that it was being spurred by a raft of human activity.

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, its first for six years, said fossil fuel pollution would raise temperatures this century, worsen floods, droughts and hurricanes, melt polar ice and damage the climate system for a thousand years to come

    So, all those thoughts about purchasing a car (second-hand, mind you) just struck me as trivial when I tried to consider how fossil fuels from old cars, like second hand cars(!!) are contributory elements to the depletion of the environment, and yet how it is a necessary evil, these days, to have a car. You might want to survuve on public transport, but the "freedoom" associated with thw car is all-too-tempting. Whadja think?

    Finally, a good (female) friend has told me how she misses me quite a bit, despite the fact that she knows I'm with someone, and because I had had feelings for her last year, it is not that it's confusing me, it's making me have some bad thoughts, which can only be resisted, and left to fade into...dyspeptic significance--as it should be!!

    Oh yeah: I'm also doing some community advocacy, and I've lost weight! Yay!! Three good kilos. But my exercise needs to be re-doubled to ensure that the weight goes down more.

    I'm back to being Angry enough to Change! If only I updated that darn blog!;-))

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