ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

"Think of these three things: whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account"--Benjamin Franklin

secret Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 10, 2005

This is definitely a good site to re-visit. The URL:

Be excused (Meaning) Blow chunks (Meaning) Bun in the oven - A (Meaning) Calling for Huey (Meaning/Origin)Carey Street - On (Meaning/Origin)Carnal knowledge (Meaning) Collateral damage (Meaning) Colour up (Meaning) Cor blimey (Meaning/ Origin)Departed - The (Meaning) Differently abled (Meaning/Origin)Do your business (Meaning) Economical with the truth (Meaning/Origin)Eff off (Meaning) Fall asleep (Meaning) Go over to the other side (Meaning) Gordon Bennett! (Meaning/Origin)Hankie pankie (Meaning) Happy event - A (Meaning) Have it away (Meaning) House of ill repute - A (Meaning) In an interesting condition (Meaning/Origin)In reduced circumstances (Meaning) In the club (Meaning/Origin)In the family way (Meaning) In trouble (Meaning) It fell off the back of a lorry (Meaning) Kick the bucket (Meaning/Origin)Knocked up (Meaning) Lady of the night - A (Meaning) Laid off (Meaning) Leave the room (Meaning) Like the Dickens (Meaning/Origin)Lose your lunch (Meaning) Night soil (Meaning) Pass on (Meaning) Pass over to the other side (Meaning) Paying guest - A (Meaning) Pop your clogs (Meaning) Private parts (Meaning) Put on the wooden overcoat (Meaning/Origin)Put to sleep (Meaning) Sleep with (Meaning) Smallest room in the house - The (Meaning/Origin)Spend a penny (Meaning/Origin)Spend more time with my family (Meaning) The call of nature (Meaning) The wrong side of the blanket (Meaning) Tired and over emotional (Meaning) Up the duff (Meaning) Visit the ladies room (Meaning) Well endowed (Meaning) Well hung (Meaning) With child (Meaning)


At Thursday, February 10, 2005 12:11:00 pm , Blogger Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

CITI-Fm has done it again...a new programme on Saturdays at 3pm -- for the teenagers I believe...


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